Action Learning Resources & Events

Here, you’ll find a list of books, events, tools and resources that will help you stay informed and up to date on all things Action Learning.

Recommended reading

Here's a list of books and articles on Action Learning and Coaching

Action Learning Events

Action Learning for Facilitators (ALF) - March 2024

ALF is a community of practice for AL facilitators. It hosts four events a year, three on-line and one in person. It brings together facilitators who explore AL related topics through half or whole day workshops. 

Topic: Working with Internal versus External Action Learning Sets
Lead by: Sue Osbourne and Jess Holliland
When: Thursday 21st March 10-1pm
Where: Zoom  
Time: Coffee / Tea / Catch up from 09.50
Morning Session:
  10.00 - 13.00

Come and join ALF members Sue Osbourne and Jess Holliland for an exploration of shifting dynamics around power and relationships when working with internal versus external action learning sets.  Discover challenges and opportunities that you might explore and leave with a co-designed tool kit.

To book: email 
Cost:  £10.00  
Payment: via the Eventbrite link details for booking the session

Join the ALF Linked In group, search for alf - action learning for facilitators, or click here

2024 dates in your diaries 

  • Wednesday 12th June 

  • Thursday19th September 

  • Tuesday 3rd December 

International Foundation for Action Learning

Next IFAL event - Disruption Down Under
Action Learning and Skills Reform in Australia with Robert Cother & Genevieve Cother
Date: 17th April 2024
Future details and booking available on their website

Key terms

Like many organisational development and coaching methodologies, there are a number of words or phrases specific to Action Learning. Here are the definitions of the most common ones:

  • Action Learning cycle – each AL Set has a given number of sessions. A classic cycle usually has six sessions meeting about every 4-6 weeks. The first session establishes the Set through introducing the people, process and principles, clarifying the purpose, and agreeing ways of working. The last session brings the Set to an end through reflecting on the journey travelled and reviewing progress, outcomes and learning gaining along the way.

  • Action Learning Sets – a group of 5-7 people, plus a facilitator, who commit to meet regularly and attend all the sessions.

  • Facilitator – the person who supports, guides and facilitates the group through the AL cycle. They help the Set stay on track, keep to time and ensure there is a balance between focusing on the task and the learning.

  • Issue holders – also known as the presenter or problem holder. This person works on their issue by sharing theirs views and perceptions of the challenge or opportunity they’re addressing.

  • Multiple issue Sets – each person brings an issue that is real, significant and current for them. In these Sets, there can be a multitude of topics discussed.

  • Peer Action Learning Sets – also referred to as open AL Sets, they bring together people from a number of businesses such as CEOs or business owners. They are great for senior leaders who want the opportunities AL Sets provide to discuss issues with peers in a confidential and supportive arena.

  • Process review – learning comes from reviewing and reflecting how the sessions are going. The process review is time given to look at what’s working, reflect on skills and how well they are being used, and what the group collectively or individually can do to improve and develop so future sessions are more effective.

  • Progress updates – the time given to review actions and progress on the issues being addressed. Reflecting on progress and outcomes is an integral part to the action learning cycle, irrespective of whether actions are fully implemented or successful.

  • Self-facilitating Sets – these are Sets that facilitate for themselves by sharing the facilitation role amongst those in the group. They often start with a dedicated, experienced facilitator and go on to become self-facilitating.

  • Set members – also referred to as supporters. There are group members who listen, support and ask questions of the issue holder.

  • Single issue Sets – everyone in the Set works on the same issue, such as implementing a strategy

  • Virtual Action Learning – Sets that meet either by phone or using virtual technologies via computer, tablets or smart phones. Usually used for dispersed project teams or for organisations that have multiple sites.